Stuffed eggplant and serve it to your table with fried rice πŸ˜‹πŸ†


Eggplant: 4 grains

Minced meat: half a kilo

Red onions: 2 tablets

Tomatoes: 3 pcs

Salt: a pinch (or to taste)

Black pepper: a pinch (or to taste)

- Pine: 10 gm

Rice: half a kilo

Mozzarella cheese: a quarter of a kilo

Vegetable oil: 250 grams

- Noodles: a quarter of a package

Water: as needed (for rice)

How to prepare

Start by cleaning the eggplant and cutting it in half, then frying it in oil until it turns golden, then bring the pan and put the amount of onions and my heart until it turns red, then add the minced meat with a pinch of salt and pepper and stir it until it is cooked.

To prepare the sauce: Beat the tomatoes in a blender and put them in a saucepan with a pinch of salt and a pinch of spice, add a cup of water to it and bring it to a boil, then remove from the heat and drain, then put the minced meat over the eggplant halves, then pour the tomato sauceAnd sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top and put it in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees Celsius.

To prepare the rice with vermicelli: Put a pot on the fire with ghee and fry the vermicelli well until it turns brown, then put the rice and stir it, then add water with a pinch of salt and leave it on a low heat until it is cooked, then put it in a serving dish with eggplant and garnish it with pine nuts.


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